Investigating these rebirths in the dark, interpreting and translating them photographically.
Due to this disability, the job opportunities for those affected by blindness are very limited.
Adding the low economic aid from the state, these factors increase the importance of private centers aimed at helping the blind, especially in areas of the world where progressive diseases resulting in visual impairment or blindness are not economically accessible.
These various stories and situations make up the various chapters of photographic research:

Buenos Aires, Argentina 2022. Matias blind and with mental disorders spends most of his time with his radio, his favorite genre is rock.

Buenos Aires, Argentina 2022. Daniel, blind and mentally ill, during the carpentry lesson, one of the many activities offered by the structure to develop autonomy and mentally therapeutic.

Buenos Aires, Argentina 2022. For those who have lost their sight in old age, braille literacy is one of the fundamental steps for autonomy.

Buenos Aires, Argentina 2022. Guests spend time listening to typical Argentine music, dancing and chatting.

Buenos Aires, Argentina 2022. Like learning to walk, using a cane to learn autonomous mobility is one of the first steps towards living in the world of blindness.

Buenos Aires, Argentina 2022.

Buenos Aires, Argentina 2022.

Buenos Aires, Argentina 2022.

Buenos Aires, Argentina 2022.

Milan Italy 2021, Silvano's house. Silvano is a pianist and music teacher, blind from adolescence he has made music his life.

Milan Italy 2021, Silvano's house. To learn the melodies, Silvano mainly listens to the pieces and interprets them by writing them on a Braille score

Milan Italy 2021, Silvano's house. Manuela, Silvano's partner, accompanies him singing. The two make up a musical duo in perfect harmony.

Firenze Italy 2021, Silvano and Manuela's house. Manuela in addition to the vocation of singing is a sculptor of emotions, with the variation of the smoothing she expresses different moods
This sport is not intended to be a forced adaptation, but a discipline that takes on connotations that are very distant and linked to the world of the blind.

Bologna Italy, 2023.
Two players of the germany team during the preparations for the european baseball championship for the blind.
the batter takes pre-game batting practice in a closed cage.

Milano Italy, 2023. In all sports for the blind, silence during games is fundamental. Only after a point are the players and the public allowed to speak.

Milano, Italy 2023. A player after scoring a point. to put visually impaired and totally blind people at the same visual level, players must wear a mask that impairs their vision.

Bologna Italy, 2023. During the first European baseball championship for the blind which took place in Bologna various nations such as Netherlands, England, Germany, France and Italy participated. this sport is quickly attracting the world of sports for the blind due to its peculiar aspects and its safety in the game.

Milano Italy, 2023. Batting in baseball for the blind is done while standing still, the batter holds the ball with a rattle inside with one hand, and proceeds to bat with the other. the ball that crosses the back line will be called "good" and the defenders will activate it in search using their hearing and their body.

Milano Italy, 2023. The aspect that attracts many athletes to this sport is running. It is one of the very few sports if not the only one that allows the blind athlete to sprint for long sections of the field without the guidance of a sighted runner. When the batter executes a valid serve he starts running, the only two sighted people in the team located at the bases start clapping their hands to give direction to the runner, the closer he gets the more the clapping intensifies to notify the player of the distance from the base.

Milano Italy, 2023.

Milano Italy,2023.
Union of the Blind of Milan.

Milano Italy,2023. Union of the Blind of Milan. To write in braille there are two methods: manually by pressing the relief on the paper using the brile tablet. or using the dactyl-braille, a typewriter with three keys whose combination creates the desired braille character. However, these typewriters are expensive and blind people often have access to them in special centers.

Milano Italy,2023. Union of the Blind of Milan. A paper boat made with a sheet of paper with braille characters from the writing lesson superimposed on it

Milano Italy,2023. Erminia originally from Switzerland, 80 years old, blind since 10. Among the many activities proposed by the Union of the Blind of Milan, dance class represents an important weekly event for many. Thanks to the two instructors, blind participants have the opportunity to move quickly to the rhythm of music, achieving notable results. The Union dance class was on national television for their accomplishments.

Milano Italy,2023. Union of the Blind of Milan during a dance lesson.

Milano Italy,2023.