Thorns of roses wants to dig into what hides a match.
Moving away from a purely male stereotype, the project seeks to achieve a more authentic aspect of the figure of the "fighter".
My research has mainly taken place in national and international tournaments in Ireland Italy and Sweden.

Esker Ireland, 2022.

Boras Swden, 2024.

Boras Swden, 2024.

Boras Swden, 2024. Pre-weigh-in row in a women's tournament with more than 300 athletes. International tournaments are an opportunity for boxers to gain experience and increase the number of matches.

Milano Itlay, 2022. Before the match the athletes are subjected to various cardiac medical checks and others to ascertain a possible state of pregnancy.

Seregno Italy, 2023. An interregional tournament played between the Lombard and Emilian teams. Women's boxing matches often become a message and meeting place to promote the fight against gender violence.

Esker Ireland, 2022.

Milano Italy, 2022.

Milano Italy, 2022.

Milano Italy, 2022. In the youth category of women's boxing the match is usually marked by three rounds of two minutes each. In this condensed period of time the athlete must maintain a balance between physical effort and mental attention.

Milano Italy, 2022.

Milano Italy, 2022.

Milano Italy, 2022.

Esker Ireland, 2022.

all these factors combined define the category of boxer.
If a boxer is not within the required weight, he will not be able to fight and will be disqualified. Before the weigh-in, it is common for various athletes to be forced to perform cardio exercises to lose weight, even for hours before the visit.

Esker Ireland, 2022.
During the match, after a well-placed blow, the referee can stop the hit athlete to start the count.
At the end of the period, if the athlete proves physically capable of continuing, the match proceeds.
The count has an important meaning for the points given to the athlete.

Esker Ireland, 2022.
After a match, a mother comforts her daughter.
The history of boxing in Ireland is ancient but still present, very often the athletes' fathers themselves are their coaches.